Amid skilled nursing sell-off, these CCRC leaders are keeping options open

2024-08-23T09:39:58-04:00August 23rd, 2024|Categories: In The News, National Media Items|

"At a time when hospitals continued to push more post-surgical patients straight to home care, Londonderry Village in Palmyra, PA, decided to invest in six Green House homes with 10 beds each. 'We believed in that culture and that quality of care,' said President and CEO Jeff Shireman. 'People have great experiences in that environment.'"

It’s Time for HUD to Act on Nursing Home Quality Improvement

2024-06-17T12:32:24-04:00June 17th, 2024|Categories: In The News, National Media Items|

"A small but growing group of nursing homes are already implementing these changes. Collectively called 'household models,' these nursing homes have generated enthusiasm among diverse stakeholders and long-term care experts. Because of its scale and consistency across homes, the Green House approach has been the most frequently studied household model."

Caring for an Aging U.S. Population — the Good News and the Bad News

2024-05-23T16:22:08-04:00May 23rd, 2024|Categories: In The News, National Media Items|

"Alternatives to traditional nursing homes for older adults who cannot remain in their own homes has prompted interest in smaller, community-style facilities such as the Green House model. Staff are used more flexibly in the Green House model, and work with small clusters of residents; the model’s success, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, has attracted interest as an alternative to traditional nursing homes.

Closure of historic nursing home reflects sector’s increasing infrastructure problems

2024-05-20T11:49:38-04:00May 20th, 2024|Categories: In The News, National Media Items|

"The Center for Innovation and its Green House Project is promoting government incentives that support construction of modern, person-directed facilities through targeted grants or Medicaid rate increases. Providers in Arkansas and soon Ohio, for instance, receive Medicaid rate add-ons for private room nursing care."

Task force recommends state reduce reliance on nursing homes

2024-05-15T12:44:44-04:00May 15th, 2024|Categories: In The News, National Media Items|

"Some suggestions included increasing state investment in home care, incentivizing a transition toward fewer-occupant rooms and Green House-style facilities, standardizing the Medicaid reimbursement system with data-based adjustments over time, increasing audits and financial transparency requirements for nursing homes, and building workforce pipelines into the sector through scholarships and more flexible training programs."

Legacy Lifecare CEO Advocates for Specialized Support To Curb Nursing Home Closures

2024-05-02T10:38:23-04:00May 2nd, 2024|Categories: In The News, National Media Items|

Based on a model designed by the Green House Project, which is dedicated to creating alternative living environments to traditional nursing home care facilities, Chelsea Jewish has condominium-style Green Houses ... "All of our homes already operate at [staffing] ratios that are equal to or greater than the minimum required."

Inside Successfully Obtaining Loans for Nursing Home Projects Amid Harsh Financing Environment

2024-03-12T12:18:28-04:00March 12th, 2024|Categories: In The News, National Media Items|

"Knowing how community ties can help providers obtain capital, and what type of loan is most industry-friendly can be successful steps towards garnering capital for senior care projects. Taking steps to minimize risk for the lender is another huge factor in attracting capital, according to experienced lenders and those involved in nursing home projects said during a recent webinar hosted by the Green House Project."

Advocates call for ACA-backed demonstration projects in nursing home sector

2024-02-28T09:47:12-05:00February 28th, 2024|Categories: In The News, National Media Items|

"She calls it the Einstein option, and includes in her standards for innovation commitments to person-directed care, especially training; small home models; alternative payment policies; and development of a stronger direct care workforce. Even a $600 million investment to kick off such catalytic change, she said, would cost just one-tenth of 1% of SNF spending over the next three years."

Nursing Home Reimbursement Pressure ‘Flat Out Profound,’ Necessitating Innovative Models

2024-02-26T10:21:50-05:00February 26th, 2024|Categories: In The News, National Media Items|

“Innovative models are going to present themselves in some way to stop this train,” said Dan Hermann, president and CEO of Ziegler, a specialized investment bank. “The dual eligible folks are going to break the back of all the states, so this train is coming, but it’s going to happen organically.”

Long-term care providers clamor for innovation to avert closing shop

2024-02-23T10:19:17-05:00February 23rd, 2024|Categories: In The News, National Media Items|

“There is always going to be a portion of people who require maybe a more intensive level of care and also always a proportion of people who would prefer to receive care in a communal setting. How are you setting yourself up to be that provider of choice in a market where maybe there’s less global demand for nursing home beds, but people want privacy, people want to really know their caregivers?”

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