Leaders Speak about Green House

Larry Minnix
The Green House Model is one of the most important transformational concepts in long-term care that I’ve experienced in my 40 years in the field of aging services. Most certainly, nursing homes will be a part of long-term care’s future. More providers must adopt Green House principles. When you walk in to a Green House home, you understand — the way it makes people feel at home is just extraordinary.

David Gifford, MD, MPH
The Green House Project has shown the field of long-term care how a different model can still put people at the center of care and be affordable under current reimbursement levels. They have shown that by making changes to the building and environment along with different staffing arrangements, person-centered care that individuals want is possible.

Patrick Sullivan
At the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center, the first integrated VA-Navy facility, The Green House Model epitomizes our cultural transformation journey in long-term care. Residents and staff alike have embraced the concept. The Green House Model has created not only an educational experience for seniors, families, and staff, but it has become a livable journey to life. The elders and staff embrace the resident-centered care philosophy that is designed to foster their well-being.

Roger L. Meyers
The only regret that you’ll have is having not done it earlier.

Lisa Czolowski
We really want to know who [the elders] are and what will get them out of bed and excited. If they want to do house chores or help cook, they can do that. If they want to watch the Broncos game, play board games or listen to music, we’ll help them do that. This is their home. It’s not supposed to feel like a hospital.

Gerry Stryker
We recognize that we are a part of a rapidly growing national movement to change the face of care and rehabilitation. Our elders deserve this.

John Ponthie
I know what it is like to build nice, traditional facilities, but Green House is exponentially better than that. All of the new campuses we are developing now are exclusively Green House — because the model works.