Leaders Discuss Next Steps to Implement Small House Nursing Homes

2022-12-05T12:13:10-05:00December 5th, 2022|Categories: Local News Items, In The News, New Jersey|

“Part of this transformation must include reducing the imprint of nursing homes and making existing facilities more homelike, person-centered spaces. Green House and other small nursing home models have been very successful in achieving these goals in other states and should be developed in New Jersey as well.”

The Traditional Financing Source That Can Help Close Gaps in Nursing Home Innovation

2022-11-23T14:50:37-05:00November 23rd, 2022|Categories: In The News, National Media Items|

"New HUD housing policy can align with and support calls for change in the nursing-home industry. Updating HUD’s existing public-private infrastructure with grants and loan terms targeted at specific innovations such as the small-home design, presents a logical place to originate much of the proposed reform that policy makers and consumers are advocating."

From Ideation to Standard Practice: Scaling Innovations in Long-Term Services and Supports

2022-11-10T17:45:52-05:00November 10th, 2022|Categories: In The News, National Media Items|

"Research demonstrated the relative advantage of Green House homes over traditional nursing homes. Technical assistance made the model less complex for potential adopters and less expensive because technical assistance staff worked with states to mitigate potentially costly regulatory hurdles and provide a process and model for the development of Green House homes."

Provider-supplied housing for nursing home staff catching on as retention tool

2022-10-25T09:32:03-04:00October 25th, 2022|Categories: In The News, National Media Items|

"One way to attract and retain nursing home staff is to house them in nearby, affordable apartments, an idea used with success by at least several healthcare companies on the East Coast. The latest to create this employee benefit is Navigator Homes of New England. It is in development to bring Green House Project-inspired homes to 70 seniors with skilled nursing needs in Martha’s Vineyard."

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