GHP Statement on Racial Injustice in America
The recent killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor were senseless acts of violence rooted in centuries of institutional racism and oppression of black people. They are sadly the latest in a long history of countless injustices leveled against the black community since the founding of this country. Many in our country have been galvanized to march, protest, speak up and speak out about systemic racism, implicit bias, and demand change.
We at The Green House Project recognize that more than 400 years of policies and regulations have led to cultural norms that adversely affect people of color in tragic and incredibly hurtful ways.
As an organization founded on the principles of equality, empowerment, and revolution, we are acutely aware of the work that it takes to make real, lasting change. This is why we are committed to making a difference not only through our words but also through our actions.
We stand together with the black community, we fully support the Black Lives Matter movement, and we want to do our part to help put an end to racism, discrimination, and violence against people of color.
To demonstrate this commitment, GHP will take a number of steps to bring justice to those who have suffered at the hands of racist policies and people:
- We acknowledge that the GHP Board of Directors is currently made up entirely of people who are white. We support diversity and inclusion and will open new board seats with the intention of recruiting individuals of color that will add value to achieving the mission and goals of the organization.
- We will conduct a thorough analysis of our Green House signature core education and protocols to ensure that they are inclusive, diverse, and intentionally designed to offer the most optimal learning environments for all participants.
- We will work purposefully toward expanding access to Green House homes for people of color. We believe that creating accessible and affordable options for minorities and low-income communities is important. We will target providers that are currently located and serving these populations in order to bring the Green House model to their communities.
- We will listen and we will confront our “isms” in an effort to elevate eldercare. We want to hear from Green House partners and providers, as well as consumers, about what we can do to make a difference in the fight for racial justice and quality. This will include convening a virtual town hall meeting whereby we will have a moderated panel discussion, representing diverse stakeholders and perspectives, about racism and ageism to create greater awareness and positive action.
- We will use the national platform that we have been given to continue to bring awareness and needed change to these social justice issues. Intentionally selected podcast guests will challenge the status quo and offer insights on how to take action. Blog posts will raise issues of inequality and injustice. Social media platforms will be utilized to advance the conversation and put our stake in the ground demanding comprehensive reform.
As we move forward with our actions, we will hold ourselves accountable for our words and our deeds, and we hope that you will too. It is our intention that this small contribution toward social justice can move the needle toward greater equality in this country.
And we challenge each of our constituents to examine hearts, minds, and actions. We must not settle for a return to the status quo. We must speak up and speak out, challenge our own thinking, and seek to live out the oft quoted Maya Angelou words, “do better once you know better.”
Media Contact:
Meg LaPorte
Director of Communications
(240) 676-0610