Join Our Movement for Change

The Green House Project has made great strides in bringing radically better long-term care options to elders across the country, but there’s still plenty of work to be done. And we can’t do it alone.

With your help, we can build a coalition of people from all walks of life — eldercare leaders, residents, family members, advocates, and more — that elected officials and policymakers can’t ignore.

Click the links below to learn more about specific ways you can get involved in our growing movement!

$1.3B Small Home Pilot

A reform bill in Congress would provide up to $39 million per facility for small-home transformations.

ABA: Make Private Rooms Mandatory

The American Bar Association issued a forceful call to make private rooms and bathrooms a baseline requirement for nursing home participation in Medicare and Medicaid.

The Essential Caregivers Act

A bill currently before Congress would provide a blueprint for preventing the long-term care lockdowns that separated families and friends during COVID.