The Center for Innovation Team

The Green House Project and Pioneer Network are now part of the Center for Innovation, the new home of eldercare transformation in the United States and around the world.

The CFI team consists of experts in the fields of aging services, business and finance, communications, marketing, and health care. With many years of culture change experience, the team has developed relationships with thought leaders, policymakers, and other key stakeholders to expand CFI’s reach and deepen our impact.

“I build positive partnerships in the healthcare community that will promote the well-being of elders, and transform the field of aging.”

Susan has spent decades working with elders as a nurse and change agent. She has worked in a variety of eldercare settings and helped to lead her previous organization’s transformation to culture change by assessing industry innovation and developing strategic and educational protocols.

Marla Devries

“Advocacy and education have been the pillars of my career. I am fulfilled when I can equip others with tools for success that empower them to truly make a difference in people’s lives.”

Marla has more than 30 years of experience advocating for change and working to create person-directed organizations where elders and those working with them can thrive. Beginning as a long-term care ombudsman and later as a culture change advocate, Marla utilizes her skill set to educate, support, and impact eldercare.

“I am inspired to be a part of a mission-based organization so aligned with my passion to change the culture of eldercare. My goal is to educate individuals and organizations about the ways the Center for Innovation can help providers create and maintain dignified, empowering eldercare cultures. I believe that The Green House Project, Pioneer Network, and EmpowerED are the premium platforms to support elders.”

Krista DiGeorge develops relationships with senior living organizations and leaders to better understand where they are in their journeys — and determine a beneficial path for collaboration. This relationship continues with members of the LinkedUp peer network to ensure lasting, sustained success. Krista is available to learn more about your organization, so feel free to reach out at

“I feel excited, energized, and grateful to work with The Green House Project team. I passionately believe the Green House model is the gold standard. There are few moments in life that can be compared to seeing the joy that elders, family members, and team members experience in Green House homes.”

Rachel Graham collaborates with senior living leaders to advance cultural transformation related to design, financial modeling, regulatory application, and project management with a special emphasis on transforming the culinary experience of senior living. Through creative problem-solving approaches, Rachel collaborates with leaders to successfully strategize and challenge the status quo in bringing about sustainable change. She has worked alongside The Green House Project for the last nine years at a large Green House community and brings real-life experience to her advisory work.

“I am honored to be part of the Center for Innovation, where I can broaden my reach and mission of being a voice of inspired change for elders. The Green House Project, Pioneer Network, and EmpowerED are the premium platforms to support elders. My passion is ensuring elders experience a person-directed meaningful life filled with purpose and joy.”

Zoie Garza joined CFI team in 2024 as a Project Coach. In this role, she collaborates with innovative leaders to advance cultural transformation related to senior living through a project management lens focused on financial modeling, regulatory application, and physical design. Using a strategic approach to change, future opportunities push boundaries and create new ways of helping elders thrive.

“After covering the COVID-19 pandemic in nursing homes, I knew I had to do more to fix long-term care in America than just write about the systemic problems.”

Alex works to educate a variety of stakeholders – including policymakers, elected officials, reform advocates, and industry groups – on the benefits of person-directed care and small-home alternatives to traditional nursing homes. He is an experienced writer and editor who helped launch Skilled Nursing News, a leading industry trade publication with a specific focus on finance and reimbursement, in 2017. Contact him at

“I believe that elders have unique wisdom to offer the world, and this model enables them to live full and meaningful lives, regardless of their health needs. I am honored to be a part of this project that is creating meaningful lives for elders and those working closest to them.”

Mary worked for 19 years in corporation communications before she decided to get her master’s at UMBC’s Erickson School of Aging Studies and pursue a career with elders. In her role as Education Coach, Mary helps organizations implement The Green House model successfully, providing the tools, resources, and education necessary for a deep and slip-resistant transformation.

“I enjoy drawing on my extensive experience with design, development, and consulting to help organizations understand the clear benefits of Green House living — for elders, staff, and the bottom line.”

As a collaborator with The Green House Project, Kathleen handles pre-development activities for organizations interested in building Green House communities, implementing cultural transformation initiatives within their existing communities and/or nursing homes, and developing new programs around the Green House model.

“It is a pleasure and a privilege for me to work with an organization that champions high-quality, person-centered living solutions for individuals in need of supportive care. The Center for Innovation is truly a leader in change.” 

Colleen Kammar is a certified public accountant with more 30 years of professional experience working with public, private, and non-profit organizations. She has held senior management positions at several high-growth organizations, with extensive work in operations, investment, and large-scale mergers. Colleen has worked for CFI since June 2017.

“I’m honored to be part of a Center for Innovation team that is leading the way in helping the long-term care sector devise ways to create small houses and community-focused residences that transform the experience of elders living with disabilities, while enabling staff to deliver care in a way they find deeply satisfying.”

Anne Montgomery is an experienced policy strategist and health services researcher specializing in long-term care and support systems for older adults and individuals living with disabilities. Now an independent consultant, Anne served the U.S. Congress for a decade as an analyst for the Senate Special Committee on Aging and the House Ways & Means Committee. She has also worked at the Government Accountability Office, the Alliance for Health Policy, and as a managing director of the Center for Eldercare Improvement at Altarum.

Debbie Wiegand
“Every elder deserves to live a life of purpose and meaning; therefore, I dedicate my work to creating Green House homes in every community across America.”

Debbie has spent her entire career as a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator, engaging in and leading transformative change in the field of long-term care. Her experience in operations, culture change, design, and education, provides the necessary insight to partner with visionary leaders desiring the best future possible for elders.

Janet Wright
“Making a difference in the lives of elders, especially those living with dementia, has been a passion for me since when I was a young girl. My first inspirations were my grandfather, who lived with us, and singing for elders at our local nursing home. I’m grateful that my role with The Green House Project will allow me to continue advocating for elders.”

Janet has spent more than 20 years in the aging services field, in admissions, sales, and outreach capacities. She holds numerous education certificates from the Alzheimer’s Association, Argentum, and other sales and marketing educational entities. Most recently, Janet served as director of admissions at Brooke Grove Retirement Village, a CCRC in Sandy Spring, Md.

An independent contractor serving as an educator, curriculum developer, and consultant with Center for Innovation and other aging services organizations, Anna recently served as organization development and workforce consultant with the Workforce Innovations Team at PHI for seven years where she has taught Coaching Approach to Supervision to leadership of LTC organizations and supports organizations to implement person-directed living.

Before PHI, Anna was the director of resource development at The Green House Project where she co-created and taught Core Green House curriculum and Coaching for Guides and Nurse Executives.

After beginning her career as a registered nurse, Anna has worked with elders in a variety of settings, including nursing homes, assisted living, adult day services, and home care settings. She was inducted as a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, the primary author of LEAP for the 21st Century LTC Workforce, the VP of cultural transformation for LeadingAge Illinois, director of residential care services for the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center in Chicago and associate director of long term care accreditation at Joint Commission.

Kelly Tremblay, PhD, is a neuroscientist and clinician who has spent more than 25 years in academia as a researcher and practitioner. Her research in the areas of communication neuroscience, person-centered care and digital health technology was honored by the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization with invitations to judge peer-reviewed grant applications and to develop guidelines in support of healthy aging.

Her career has since evolved into supporting others who are in leadership roles. For example, as a clinician and champion for inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility, she has served on many boards including the Hearing Loss Association of America where she served as a board trustee and co-founding chair of the Task Force for Accessible, Inclusive Employment.

As an ICF-certified executive coach, she works with C-suite leaders to promote healthy, accessible, multi-generational workplaces where people can flourish. At Royal Roads, she teaches in the Master of Arts in Executive and Organizational Coaching program.

It is an honor to work with the Center for Innovation, especially as part of my ongoing quest to be a creative catalyst for change in eldercare.

Meg brings more than 30 years of experience in nonprofit management, journalism, and communications, with a deep commitment to advocating for elders, combatting ageism, and improving job quality for direct care professionals.

She is currently executive director of the Maryland Regional Direct Services Collaborative; founder of Age In America, a social change project and blog; and cofounder of Art Against Ageism, a nonprofit dedicated to leveraging art as a powerful tool for dismantling age bias.

From 2018 to 2021, Meg served as director of communications and marketing for The Green House Project

Meg holds a master’s degree in Management of Aging Services and serves on the Board of Directors for Gray Panthers NYC.

“I’m excited to put my financial experience to work for providers that embrace the Green House and Pioneer models. I’ve seen firsthand that elder-directed living works both operationally and financially, so let’s build something new together.”

Jim Clark oversees financial modeling for Green House communities under development. He also currently serves as the senior director of portfolio management and analytics at Bausch & Lomb in Rochester, N.Y. In his earlier role as CFO for St. John’s Living, he provided financial support for the Penfield Green House community in the Rochester suburbs.

If you’re ready to create homes for elders that demonstrate more powerful, meaningful, and satisfying lives, call us today.