Green House Homes coming to Australia
"In May 2023, Susan presented at the ARIIA conference Facing The Future: Aged Care 2030 and Beyond #ariiaconference2023, in Adelaide, South Australia. She spoke with Re Aged Care about the Green House Project and its commencement in Australia."
How person-centered care can improve outcomes for people with dementia
“Our Best Life approach comprehensively and holistically looks at who the person is and [asks] how do we really ensure each person is living his or her best life? It’s really about seeing the person,” Ms. Ryan explained. “As it pertains to somebody living with dementia, how many times do we just focus on loss and decline and say they can’t do that anymore? We have labels and we see the label before we see the person. “I challenge you to see who that person is. We’re going to shift beliefs.”
Innovation in Senior Living Facilities Design
"Founded in Rochester in 1997 by a group of forward thinkers, the Pioneer Network has since evolved through a partnership with The Green House Project (GHP) into the Center for Innovation. The new alliance focuses on supporting eldercare reform initiatives and educating and advising eldercare organizations that seek to initiate changes to the cultural, organizational, and physical structures of the traditional nursing home."
Green House model expands to Australia with ACH Group
"There is an increasing urgency and growing expectation for change in Australia – driven by residents, customers, workers, and regulators alike – to move to a model of care where the priority is the older person’s preferences and staff skills are developed and nurtured. The Green House Project delivers this."
New Innovative Care Model Arrives in Australia
ACH Group will be the first aged care provider in Australia to implement the U.S.-founded Green House Project (GHP) model of care, which promotes the autonomy and individuality of residents and staff. Informed by person-directed care principles, GHP maximizes the independence of residents, empowers staff, and enhances the benefits of the highly regarded small household design that Healthia has adopted.
Why Nursing Homes Need A Total Redesign
Small, household models of skilled nursing care are not new, but they have been largely overlooked until the COVID-19 pandemic, during which they fared far better than traditional nursing homes. At the same time, a growing body of research shows a multitude of quality advantages over traditional nursing homes.
Shared Rooms Helped Fuel COVID-19 Deaths in Nursing Homes. Are a Million Private Rooms Possible?
Private rooms alone won’t remedy nursing home system’s shortcomings. “The Green House model is a lot more than just the building,” says Alex Spanko. “It’s about the culture, too.”
‘This is a true milestone’: Newly written standards offer a road map for long-term care
“The only question,” Cook said, “is whether they will take the harsh lessons of the pandemic to heart and implement empowering care models such as Green House — or choose to ignore the experiences of elders and decades of research and build the exact same types of traditional, outdated buildings that failed too many Canadians before, during and after COVID-19.”
Why Nursing Home Reform Is Finally Coming
"Analysts say the nursing-home model is outdated. Many nursing homes are 40 or 50 years old, looking much like hospitals: large, impersonal and with shared rooms. Research has shown that smaller nursing homes — like ones known as Green Houses — often provide better, more personal care."
Skilled Nursing Game Changer: Calls for Innovation in HUD Financing Gain Momentum
“It’s important that we leverage what we learned … this could be a game changer, it could really provide that level of support and incentives to really help us achieve what we all want,” Susan Ryan, CEO for the Center for Innovation, told SNN.
Susan Ryan named to new top position at Center for Innovation
The Center for Innovation, or CFI, the parent organization of the Green House Project and Pioneer Network, is reorganizing its leadership as it focuses on growth. Susan Ryan will serve as the Center for Innovation’s first CEO ... Ryan has led GHP as it grew to include more than 370 homes in 32 states."
The Traditional Financing Source That Can Help Close Gaps in Nursing Home Innovation
"New HUD housing policy can align with and support calls for change in the nursing-home industry. Updating HUD’s existing public-private infrastructure with grants and loan terms targeted at specific innovations such as the small-home design, presents a logical place to originate much of the proposed reform that policy makers and consumers are advocating."
From Ideation to Standard Practice: Scaling Innovations in Long-Term Services and Supports
"Research demonstrated the relative advantage of Green House homes over traditional nursing homes. Technical assistance made the model less complex for potential adopters and less expensive because technical assistance staff worked with states to mitigate potentially costly regulatory hurdles and provide a process and model for the development of Green House homes."
Provider-supplied housing for nursing home staff catching on as retention tool
"One way to attract and retain nursing home staff is to house them in nearby, affordable apartments, an idea used with success by at least several healthcare companies on the East Coast. The latest to create this employee benefit is Navigator Homes of New England. It is in development to bring Green House Project-inspired homes to 70 seniors with skilled nursing needs in Martha’s Vineyard."
New Green House flexibilities expected to attract more skilled nursing operators
“After years of gathering and studying data about their small-home model of long-term care, Green House leaders made a calculated move this week to give skilled nursing operators more reasons to adopt the innovative model.”
Q&A: The Green House Project’s Susan Ryan
"The Green House model challenges caregivers to go beyond labels and always see the person behind them: the person who lived a full, rich life before requiring additional care and who deserves to keep living with that same richness amid the natural changes that come with aging."
At this Toronto long-term-care home, a little extra money has paid off handsomely — with time, respect and attention for residents
"It’s not just an exercise in kindness. Independent research shows that the residents living in the U.S.-based Green House Project homes (small households) have deeper relationships with staff, fewer trips to the hospital emergency department and fewer pressure ulcers or urinary-tract infections — conditions that can be serious for older adults and costly to the health-care system."
The Challenging Future of Long-Term Care for Older Adults
“A lesson from the Green House movement and from other countries’ experience is that training and permitting nurses and other care staff to deliver a range of services improves quality and job satisfaction as well as patient satisfaction.”
Aging well: Finally, boomers — and politicians — are paying attention
That's why there's a growing call for smaller households, like the Green House model, that can be created within larger care homes but also in residential communities.
With Regulatory Changes on the Horizon, Green House and Pioneer Network Join Forces
The Green House Project and Pioneer Network hope to draw on their decades of shared experience to improve the lives of people living in nursing homes, while also building a better eldercare infrastructure for future generations.
LTC alliance aims to bring ‘real systemic transformation’
By coming together, we can create a consolidated source of knowledge and best practices based on experience gained through both organizations’ years of work on the ground
Life plan communities earn high marks from residents
Communities that have adopted the universal worker model, espoused by the Green House Project, are seeing much higher levels of engagement than those with traditional workforce models.
Workforce Housing Proves to be Powerful Tool as Hiring, Retention Crisis Persists
Companies like Navigator Elder Homes of New England are teaming up with workforce housing developers to build apartment complexes for nursing home staff.
No Innovation Without Compensation: SNFs Need Federal Support to Realize Biden’s Private Room Plans
Removing financial barriers like access to capital and Medicaid underfunding would be a step toward nursing home innovation, Ryan said, like the shift to private rooms and the small home model.
LTC small homes could become big venture, but policy, funding must catch up
“People vote with their feet,” Ponthie said, adding that traditional rural providers are facing unprecedented closures. “During COVID, we grew our census. Everyone else had huge declines. Drop the mic. We’re done. The demand is there.”